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northwest school of survival

Preparing for the future is a daunting task. You can use the following categories to help you get started. One category may be enough, so you might move on to another and then back to the first. Your personal threat assessment should guide all purchases. It will help you to determine which categories should be your first.


There are many categories of prepping but Survivalism falls under the survival category. This prepping approach focuses on stockpiling food that is safe and can be used for long-term storage, water purification supplies, as well other items. Preppers typically have large stocks of milk from cows or goats. Preppers also keep a large supply of medical supplies, including first aid kit. These items are also stored by survivalists. They are generally more knowledgeable in general first aid than preppers.

Assessing personal threat

You can use personal threat assessment as a way to evaluate your preparedness for disasters. You can categorize threats based on their severity and type. Some people list all possible scenarios, while others rank threats from 1-10. No matter which way you choose to go, communicate the information as clearly and intuitively. You can plan for both the probable and the unfeasible by using threat analysis in your prepping.

southwest survival

Building a bug out bag

Your bug out bag should contain many things, but not all of them. First, you will need to have a basic first aid kit. This includes bandages, gauze tape, disinfecting wipes, tape and a variety of medications. These items should come with instructions on how to use them. Also, don't forget about basic first-aid training materials. These tips can help you build your bug out bag to meet the needs of any situation.

Stock up on food

Food is one of your most important assets when you are prepping. Food is anything you can eat, including canned and freeze-dried goods. The following are some suggestions for where to find your prep items. Try to visit the interior of the store whenever possible. You will often find fresh goods around the perimeter. Instead, head to the interior to find shelf-stable options. Also, stock up on food from these categories.

Water purification equipment

There are two main types for water purification equipment. Chemical purification can be done using chemicals such chlorine or other disinfectants. To remove suspended solids or bacteria, physical purification is done with a filter. Physical purification involves using a filtration system that can separate the chemicals from the water. There are several types of water purification equipment. Each has its pros and cons. You can categorize water purification equipment into any of these categories:

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What do I need in order to prepare for my doomsday?

First, collect information about the locality. Is there any chance of natural disasters in your area? Are there any major dangers?

If you live in a flood zone, you will want to think about purchasing a flood insurance policy. Flooding can be a major threat to your health during a crisis.

Insurance for tsunamis is a good idea if you live on the coasts. Tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes. They can strike without warning so it is best to be prepared.

Next, decide how long do you want to be independent. What length of time will you be able fend for your self?

Are you going to be away for only a few days? Will you be gone for a few days?

Do you plan to live alone? If so, you'll probably want to include some type of weapon. You can choose between a gun and a bow-and-arrow. Make sure that you feel comfortable using the tool.

Other than weapons, tools like a shovel or axe, saw and hammer, nails, rope and other items are important. These tools could be used to build shelters or make your own weapons.

Last but not least, make sure you have enough water and food. Make sure you have enough to last for several days.

You don't necessarily need to purchase every item on the list. It is important to at least start.

How many days should I have supplies stored away?

Ideal is to have three months of supplies saved away. This would mean that you need enough food, water, and other necessities for three months.

However, the number of people who can help you depends on the extent of your emergency. It is possible that you don't have any neighbors in an area where you can get help. You might not have a power source.

You should prepare for a long-term situation in that instance.

What should every doomsday prepared have?

It's not about what you need, but also how much. You must learn to live off of the land if you want your survival for long periods.

There are many ways to prepare for an emergency. This doesn't mean that you need to purchase everything on the list. You should be prepared for any eventuality.

The most important thing is to make sure you're prepared for anything. You have to be prepared for any situation if you're serious about survival.

Where do the most doomsday preparers live?

Most people who are prepping for an apocalypse tend to live in rural areas. Because they are more likely to survive a collapse of society, this is why they tend to live in rural areas. They have a better chance of finding supplies in times when there is less competition.

Survival requires that you have access to food, water and shelter.

You can find the best places to go in areas with low population density. Less people means that it's easier to survive.


  • Approximately a hundred and seventeen million people earn, on average, the same income they did in 1980, while the typical income for the top one percent has nearly tripled. (newyorker.com)
  • Some 57.2 percent of voters chose Crocs, proving that comfort rules. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)
  • A survey commissioned by National Geographic found that forty percent of Americans believed that stocking up on supplies or building a bomb shelter was a wiser investment than a 401(k). (newyorker.com)

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How To

How to preserve food in a survival situation

Drying food is the best way to preserve it in an emergency situation. Drying food helps preserve them for longer. It also helps to reduce the growth of bacteria.

Dry fruits are great snacks for emergencies because they don’t require preparation. They are lightweight and easy to take with you. You don't have to worry about weight gain.

While you can dry fruit at your home using a dehydrator and a sun oven, it's much more convenient to do so in a commercial setting. A solar oven can be used to dry many foods, such as meat, fish, and vegetables.

When preserving food, it is essential to make sure that the container is airtight. This stops oxygen entering the food and spoiling it. Preservatives are not necessary if the container is tightly sealed.

If you do decide to add preservatives, try adding salt first. Salt prevents mold growth. Then follow this with vinegar. Vinegar is a good way to kill harmful bacteria and stop mold growth.

You will need to first cut your food into small pieces. You can either use scissors or a knife. Make sure you pack everything well so that no air gets inside the container.

Place the food into a plastic bag. Place the food inside a plastic bag. Keep it warm until it dries fully.

Once food has dried completely, it can be stored in a sealed container. Be careful not to let anything touch the food.


Prepping Categories