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Psychology of Self Defense: 3 Pathological Threats

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In the psychology of self defense, the threat of injury to oneself is often interpreted as a threat to one's identity. The fact that the threat to one's identity is pathological means it doesn't care who is hurt, often hinders this defensive response. This perspective can be changed by recognizing one's own important value and reducing the perceived threat. These are just three examples of pathological dangers. Learn more about each one.

Psychopaths don’t care who gets hurt

A psychopath doesn't care who gets hurt unless you have a strong instinct for defense. They have no remorse and don't care who is hurt. They will never feel bad about hurting anyone, and they will not care if the person they attack gets hurt. Psychopaths have a highly inflated sense of self. They believe that all rules don't apply. These people will do anything to get away with it, even harming other people.

They don’t care who gets hurt

Psychopaths, on the contrary, don't care whether someone is hurt in self-defense and are likely to manipulate others. They instill fear in their victim and hide their threats by telling stories of disappearances, family secrets, or other lies. This manipulation strategy plays on victims' emotions and minds so that they comply with the bully.

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Imperfect self-defense

There are two types of self-defense: imperfect and normal. When a person believes he or she's in imminent danger and is forced to resort to using deadly force to defend himself or herself, it is called imperfect self defense. This doctrine is different from ordinary self-defense. It only applies to situations in which an individual is trying defend themselves against a dangerous threat.

Deathly force

Self defense is allowed to use deadly force only if the victim is at risk of being seriously injured or even killed. To justify the use or threat of violence, the rapist must imply that the victim is at serious risk of being killed or suffer great bodily injury. There are four main elements that make force deadly. These four elements make a force deadly: an unprovoked attack and use of an objectively acceptable amount of force must all be justifiable, as must the fear of harm or death. Two exceptions to this rule are excessive force during the initial assault and withdrawal.

Motivational theory

R.W. Rogers developed the protection motivation theory in 1975. This theory was later extended in 1983. The major topics covered were the prevention of smoking and the dangers of cancer. Minor topics included bicycle helmet use, reducing caffeine intake, improving dental hygiene, pain management during the recovery from dental surgery, and the safe use of pesticides. The research shows that the psychological as well as physiological factors that impact self defense are the identical to other topics.

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Denial is a primitive defense mechanism. This primitive defense mechanism can be used alone or in conjunction with other subtle mechanisms to stop a person dealing with negative emotions or other areas of their life. One example is when a student refuses to acknowledge their apparent inexperience while taking a test. The same goes for someone who may try to minimize their effort and avoid acknowledging the fact that they are not prepared for a presentation. However, there are some situations in which denial in self defense can prove detrimental.

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What should you stock up on to make sure the world ends soon?

It may seem silly, but if you're going to survive the apocalypse, you should know what to buy first!

This is a list with essential items that you need to keep in your house when the world stops.

Mental and physical preparation is the best way you can be ready for an apocalyptic emergency.

You need to make sure you are prepared for any eventuality.

Start by making a stockpile for food and water.

Think about the other essentials like matches, lighters and batteries.

Also, make sure that you have enough cash on hand to get you through the day.

Who knows how much time we will have to live?

Are guns safe to keep?

Yes! Gun ownership is a right protected under the Second Amendment. But, not everyone can own guns. Gun ownership is not permitted for people with mental illness.

A firearm can save lives. According to the CDC in fact, unintentional shootings were responsible for over 33,000 deaths between 1999 - 2016.

The good news about concealed weapons is that most states allow citizens to have them. Even if you don't have a gun permit, you can still carry one.

How do you doomsday prep with a budget?

It is difficult to prepare for the apocalypse. But if you have to, then here are three ways to make sure you're ready.

  1. Be sure to have enough food, water, and other essentials. It is not a good idea to be without food and water in case of disaster.
  2. Buy a solar-powered radio. If there's a power outage, this device will keep you informed about what's going on around the world.
  3. Learn how you can grow your own food. By doing this, you will know exactly what you need. You won't worry about running out of food.


  • A gravel bike was the clear winner, receiving more than 90 percent of the votes. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)
  • Approximately a hundred and seventeen million people earn, on average, the same income they did in 1980, while the typical income for the top one percent has nearly tripled. (newyorker.com)
  • Some 57.2 percent of voters chose Crocs, proving that comfort rules. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)

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How To

How to Locate Potable Water during a Survival Situation

It is possible to save your life if you are in an emergency situation that requires water. When you're in a survival situation, you need to know how to find potable water fast and efficiently. You need enough water to sustain you until help arrives. Dehydration can lead to illness and death if you don’t have access water.

This article will give you some useful tips on how to find water during crisis situations. We'll discuss which water sources are best for what situations and how they can be used. We'll discuss how to filter water and purify it for safe drinking. We'll also discuss how to store water for future use.

What Are the Types of Water Sources Available?

If you are in the wild, there will likely be water sources nearby, including streams and lakes, rivers, springs or oceans. These water sources may be available all year depending on where you live. Or they might be only accessible during the winter. You need to take into consideration several factors in order to choose the best water source for your particular location.

First, consider whether or not you will be able to obtain fresh water. This will allow you to decide if you have access to water from a stream, river, stream, pond, spring or ocean. The second thing you need to consider is whether you will have clean water. Because it is difficult to treat water contaminated with urine and feces, you should not collect it. Third, consider how much water will you actually need. The amount you will require of water depends on several factors, including how long you intend to stay stranded, the temperature outside and inside, as well as how large your family. Fourth, you will need to determine how to transport the water. You might not be able to access some water sources, which can make transportation more difficult. A heavy container filled with water might be necessary to transport it uphill. You should also consider the weather conditions when selecting a water source. If it's stormy, you may not be able or safe to depend on rainwater. However, a sunny day can allow you to collect water and avoid contamination.


Psychology of Self Defense: 3 Pathological Threats